10 billion downloads in App Store

The App Store counter, who counts every download of an app, has now reached the 10 billion mark (and that during 2.5 years). The guy who has downloaded it has got a 10,000 US Dollar iTunes card as surprise.

Who wouldn't celebrate with Apple for this huge success? Right, Microsoft.

Microsoft want to prevent Apple to get exclusive rights for the name "App Store" as a brand. They say that the name "App Store" is too general and can't belong to one company (Apple), and the name would already be in everyone's common parlance. They wrote 500 pages as protest.

19 Kommentare:

Beau Thompson said...

It is kind of ridiculous.

I mean, everyone calls an MP3 player an "iPod", regardless of the make/model.

mrecan said...

really great success
and i agree with microsoft in their protest.

tyrone said...

wow that's a lot of apps!

Chris said...


Justsayin' said...

That's a lot of pages.

Choms1337 said...

Oo nice :D 10 billion downloads :D

Anonymous said...

25k at the iTunes gift card store, Apple loves to give themselves presents.

Sam said...

Incredible number indeed can't even picture that size

Vapor said...

That is not a small number.

Ben Dover said...

Nice going Apple.
Although I'm still happy with my old mp3 player. Gets the job done just fine.

Brightview said...

damn thats amazing

Suciô Sanchez said...

Ubuntu had an "App Store" for a while too.

temptation said...

amazing...and how much money did they earn with that sh**

sry. i m not an apple fan at all

Mr. Insanium said...

wow microsoft are suffering from serious butthurt

MRanthrope said...

JAYSIS thats crazy.

Mister Sharaf said...


The Game Store Guy said...

I want to know how you can spend 500 pages saying "No, we don't think that you should have that name." That's longer than some novels.

Isaac said...

lol Microsoft has turned into the ultimate corporate trolls

The Latest Movie Trailers said...

wow thats a lot

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