Portal 2 'Aperture Friends' Trailer

Valve realesed a new Trailer called 'Aperture Friends' for their Portal 2. It shows two pretty cute-looking robots being made. Portal 2 will be released next year for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360.

Source: vg247.com

12 Kommentare:

Mr Bouchard said...

After seeing that trailer two days ago, I downloaded Portal as I never played it. Now I just can't wait for more! Let's just hope this one is going to be longer than the first one!

Suciô Sanchez said...

I'll be there.

Poetry of the Day said...


Vapor said...

I can't wait!

cooperlife said...

I don't get the hype for this game... it doesn't look very interesting.

Tal Zahn said...

Wish it would go to wii, but oh well. I'm sure Portal 2 will be as excellent as Portal 1.

000 said...

Lookin good

Alex said...

still to play the first...
hope it is really great to play

Diego said...

Omg it looks amazing.

Can´t wait!

HSP said...

Argh, can't wait for this!

MRanthrope said...

that looks awesome

Killer_Tofu said...

they bumped it back so many times. I still cant wait to play it and ignore the world until I finish it

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