Call of Duty: Black Ops DLC

The first DLC for Call of Duty: Black Ops is expected to hit Xbox Live on February 18, 2011, for 1200 Microsoft Points, which are roughly 13€ or 15$. The release for PC and PS3 is shortly after.
The DLC 'First Strike' include five new maps with their unique gameplay and new opportunities, for example for sniper. Four of them are normal multiplayer maps, and one is a Zombie map 'to be declassified later.', said Treyarch.

DLC Maps:
o Berlin Wall
o Discovery
o Kowloon
o Stadium

o Ascension, no further details revealed.

Source: Activision

29 Kommentare:

Donkote said...

I have no idea what this is...but YEA BLACK OPS

HSP said...

Ugh, CoD. The series lost its magic for me long ago. I think the only thing I'd want to play is zombie mode, lol.

Anonymous said...

Ooh. Gotta love how these companies have so readily added DLC as a staple to their business models. Paying $60 for a game really isn't enough anymore IMO -- I love paying an extra $15 only a couple months after the game has come out, then another $15 only a couple months after that. LOOOOOOL

erics said...

can't wait for the release.

Major Mack said...

Ah yess still dont have this game :(
......Black Ops please :)

Das Auto! said...

im looking forward to "discovery" that's a wicked map

Toliver Edge said...

Gaawwwd, I'm so depressed I don't have a console anymore! It's time to join forces with the gf and buy an xbox.

Billy said...

Sounds awesome. Can't wait for it to hit.

Max said...

I'm tired of DLC costing so much

Les said...

I think I'll stick to my favourite hat-based mmo, TF2. I'm a fan of free updates.

Suciô Sanchez said...

Sounds like a fun pack. Not sure it'll be worth it though. Most CoD map-packs haven't been.

noog said...

just played zombies for the first time the other day... i can see why people are so addicted to it

Moogz said...

NICEE! i cant wait to check this out.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, I don't have an Xbox....

Christian said...

I've been waiting on DLC for a while for this game. The maps sound awesome, hopefully they deliver.

Sinisa said...

o yea...

Classically Trained Nub said...

Oooo...a zombie map. My interests have been piqued.

Bargain Hunter said...

Dammit I still haven't gotten Black Ops and they've got DLC out already =(

Amberclad said...

well, i don't play CoD...BFBC2 Vietnam just came out :D

Anonymous said...

They should just give it for free they make too much money already XD!

Justsayin' said...

red ring of death - nuff said :(

David Davidson said...

cant wait for the next map

RatsRunThisTown said...

Cheers man! Had no idea they had DLC planned already

stm said...

probably going to get it.

Archivist X0042 said...

the next map is gonna be built for RETARDS

Anonymous said...

I haven't gotten Black Ops yet... sad. Maybe for Christmas.

ValveWorld said...

Oh great another DLC, won't get this one.

Arian said...

As I'm writing I'm dowloading it, can't wait!

Dreadhead said...

Unless they make the pack necessary for online multiplayer, I will not purchase any DLC for Black Ops. Stadium sounds like it could be fun though.

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