Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Announced

The hero Nathan Drake and his friend Victor Sullivan go to the Arabian Desert, looking for the 'Atlantis of Sands'. But soon they'll find a lot of dark secrets about this city and the adventure begins.

That's the story of the announced Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception, release date for PS3 is November 1, 2011. Here's a new trailer they've just showed on the VGA's. Beside singleplayer campaign the game includes multiplayer and coop action, and the best: It supports Stereoscopic 3D.

Source: gamershell.com

10 Kommentare:

Poetry of the Day said...


miecak said...

Pff, it's going to be an expensive year :/

Mr Bouchard said...

Can't wait to play this game, the trailer looks amazing!

Suciô Sanchez said...


cooperlife said...

Ugh... Nolan North's voice in video games has become as cliche as exploding barrels.

Buff Drinklots said...

I can't wait.

Diego said...

Can´t wait, it´s gonna be awesome!

mrecan said...

man i want to buy a 360 but because of these exclusive games i cannot decide between ps and xbox!

noog said...

Great trailer... looking forward to it!

Vapor said...

Not a big Drake fan.

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