Blizzard just released the making of the the cinematic trailer of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm.
(The original trailer was posted before: the trailer)
LittleBigPlanet 2 Controllinator Trailer
level85nerd | November 28, 2010 |
Little Big Planet 2
This trailer shows new ways for controlling in Little Big Planet 2. You can fly now, drive, and many more features. The release is November 27, 2010.
Crytek announces: Warface
level85nerd | November 27, 2010 |
Crytek announced their new Free 2 Play shooter: Warface. The game uses the Cry Engine 3 and is, as said before, free to play. Key features are PvP, but also Coop gameplay and PvE.
Unfortunately the game was only announced for Asia (South Korea). Whether it will be released in Europe/US isn't really sure.
“Our passion is to always deliver the best...
Disney Micky Epic (Wii)
level85nerd | |
This launch trailer was released for Disney Micky Epic for Wii. For the people who don't know this game yet, it's a pretty good jump 'n' run game with Mickey as playable main characte...
The Unreal Engine from Epic Games is pretty old. Games like Unreal Tournament 3 and many more were using this engine, but it'll still be updated. The newest features are shown in their new tech demo, main aspects are light, verdure and weather.
Gamestar shows us the new LAUNCH trailer of Nail'd includung some in game scenes. At the Gamecom 2010 (in Cologne, Germany) I could play a demo on Xbox 360, and I was very impressed by the fast action, jumps, and beautiful maps.
Release of Nail'd for PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 is November 26, 2010.
Codemasters just released the first gameplay trailer for Operation Flashpoint 3: Red River. The game will be released in mid 2011 for PC, PS3 and Xbox360.
David Vonderhaar (Game Design Director) and Cesar Stastny (PC Lead Developer) told via tweet news for the hotfixes of Call of Duty: Black Ops (PC, PS3 and Xbox360). It seems that they gonna add two gametypes for multiplayer:
"Hardcore HQ [Headquarters] and CTF [Capture the Flag] will be first to be added in next hotfix"
Source: DavidVonderhaar,...
The MMORPG WoW gets a new Addon: Cataclysm.
And with it, there will be worldwide launch events. Following countries will celebrate: US, UK, France, Germany, Russia, Sweden, Holland and Taiwan.
For example, there will be costume contests, free giveaways and much more on December 6, 2010.
Release of Cataclysm is December 7, 2010.
Source: VG...
A teaser for the Spike Video Game Awards this year was very interesting. The video showed a zombie walking with the words: "Infected? Report it!"
The Spike Video Game Awards will be on December 11, 2010. And maybe Left 4 Dead 3 will be announced the...
Two patches were released via steam (one for singleplayer, the other for multiplayer) for CoD: Black Ops:
Call of Duty: Black Ops - Multiplayer
- CPU performance improvements
- Server browser bug fixes and tweaks to populate faster and do full refresh less often
- Fixed crash when viewing leaderboards if player has more than 99 friends
- Fix for locked...
Fallout: New Vegas: Dead Money (Addon) will be released on December 21 and will cost 800 MS points (~10 euro).
Releases today:
• Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
• Harry Potter 7
• Need for Speed: Hot Purs...
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
level85nerd | November 17, 2010 |
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings will be released May 17, 2011. The date may vary for some countries.
I played the first 'The Witcher' and really liked it. The game had a great story, nice gameplay, and good graphi...
Need for Speed Shift 2: Unleashed was announced by EA. This new announcement Trailer shows a first impression what the game will be about.
On youtube, there are the first 15 minutes of the game Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood (with skipped intro). Attention: big spoiler!
Quick note: Fallout: New Vegas were sold 5 million times so far, which generated a profit of 300 million...
Battlefield Play4Free
level85nerd | November 05, 2010 |
As said before (Link to the news) a new Battlefield was announced today!
It's Battlefield Play4Free.
This game is very close to Battlefield 2, but with weapons, classes etc. from Battlefield: Bad Company 2, improved engine and maps from Battlefield 2, and a buy-your-weapons style like Battlefield Heroes. Closed beta starts 30th november....
Sonic Free Riders Trailer
level85nerd | November 02, 2010 |
There's a new trailer of Sonic Free Riders, coming November, 10, exclusive for Xbox 360 Kinect. Keep an eye on the multiplayer game modes.
Video Game Museum in Italy
level85nerd | |
Off Topic
The ViGaMus, Europe's first video game museum will open its doors next year in Rome, Ita...